What was your favorite Writers Week XIII moment? What was the funniest, coolest, most inspirational, most memorable, or wisest thing anyone said? (Feel free to add your highlights each day!)
I saw Michael Salinger today 4th period, and his poetry was much different than I have ever heard. He talked about fishing a lot and his life. He had an interesting performance.
I thought Michael Salinger was very interesting. He was outgoing and kept my attention. I liked how he related his poems to his life, and shared his stories. I also thought it was cool how he travels around the world to read his poems and teach kids.
I thought Michael Salinger's poetry was very interesting. In my opinion, my favorite poem that he read was called 911. I also thought it was cool how he is an author, poet, and a teacher who travels all around the world.
Although the scheduled photographer couldn't make it 8th hour, the readings and poems were still interesting. Mr. Brewner's story about hitchhiking was comical and entertaining. I enjoyed Mr. Anderson's poems because they were short yet powerful.
I saw Micheal Salinger and his particular kinds of poems did not interest me. However he looks like he really enjoys what he does, and he has alot of heart.
The three readers were overall pretty good. I thought Mr. Brewner's stories about hitchhiking and picking up hitchhikers were very funny. It turned out to be a good period even though the photographer couldn't make it.
Today I was really looking forward to seeing Gary Marlon Suson but even though he couldn't make it I thought the three speakers 8th hour were very good. I thought all of the stories they told were very interesting.
Today I saw a former Fremd Student Eliza...She was pretty good but I have to say she has to put more exciment into the story...other than that she did pretty good...I LOVED MR BRUNER>>>he was good...I liked the first poem he read
Today, I saw Michael Salinger. I thought that it was interesting that he got our attention by reading one of his poems at first. But overall, I didn't like his poems that much because some of his poems were complicated and difficult to understand.
during 6th hour i saw Terry Coli, the writter for One Tree Hill. He went into great detail on how he got into the place he is now. i was disapointed that he didn't go into more detail on the actual writting of the show and not how they plan the writting. the most disapointing thing was that the 9/11 photographer couldn't make it because i like a lot of his previous work. Overall, Writters Week has been good so far.
I saw the three writers during 8th period today. It turned out to be a solid period even though the scheduled photographer failed to show up. I was kind of dissapointed but i think Mr. Brewner's life lessons about hitchhiking made up for it. He did a great job bringing humor into his stories
I saw Michael Salinger 4th period today. I thought that he was an excellent speaker. However, some of his poems had too many big words to fully enjoy them. I was also disappointed when he introduced a poem saying it was about his picking his friends mind when it was actually just about the scenery of Indiana. Overall, it was a decent performance.
Today during 5th period I saw Terry Coli, who happens to be the writer for One Tree Hill. He had a great presentation and I enjoyed his life story on how he turned out to be where he is today. I thought the way he incorporated some visuals into his presentation made it more interesting. Overall, I enjoyed his performance.
I saw Michael Salinger today 4th period and i thought he did a good job for the most part. though i couldnt really relate to the fish poems, i thought it was a real great idea what he did by putting words like hate and violence in the context of warning lables.
During 6th hour I saw Terry Coli and I liked it a lot. I really liked how he went into detail about all he did for the show and the visuals he brought in. I also enjoyed the three speakers during 8th even though I was looking foreward to seeing Gary Marlon Suson.
I liked writers week a lot today. The guy was really cool, he sets style and grace to a whole new level in his sweet poems. That guy was the man I want to be just like him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, I saw Michael Sallinger today, and it was pretty good. His performance was entertaining because he really got into what he said and used a lot of facial and hand expressions. I liked his poem about fishing. I could relate to it because I like to go fishing in the summer.
Well, I saw Michael Sallinger today, and it was pretty good. His performance was entertaining because he really got into what he said and used a lot of facial and hand expressions. I liked his poem about fishing. I could relate to it because I like to go fishing in the summer.
Well, I saw Michael Sallinger today, and it was pretty good. His performance was entertaining because he really got into what he said and used a lot of facial and hand expressions. I liked his poem about fishing. I could relate to it because I like to go fishing in the summer.
Today during 6th period I saw the screen writer for One Tree Hill. He was my favorite so far because he was younger and talked about something that I can relate to. Even though I have never seen One Tree Hill, from the clips that I saw, I may check it out. Also, I enjoyed hearing about what it is like in Hollywood and how everyone must work their way up the ladder. -Kristen Metzger
I liked the way Michael Salinger approached his poetry. He read it very enthusiasticly and I loved the details he used. It was very creative and unique that he talked only about short moments in time. It was also pretty cool how far he has taveled just for his poetry. My favortie thing has to be the fishing poems though.
Today I saw Michael Salinger and lets say that he had a different way to create and interpret his work which turned out to pretty good even though some people didn't like him i thought that he was pretty entertaining.
Today I went to Writers Week 8th period, I really liked the three speakers. My favorite of the three was Mr. Brewner and all his stories about hitchhiking.
I read friday sixthe period, and it was great. I'd have to say the most inspirational thing a person could do is get up on stage and read their work. May people are too afread to do that, but the result is totally awesome. Cheer on you peers, Fremd!
I saw the three writers during 8th period yesterday. It turned out to be a good period even though the scheduled photographer failed to show up. I was kind of dissapointed because I am interested in 911. The poems were great.
I was really looking forward to seeing the photographer from ground zero but unfortunitly he coildn't get here in time. When that lady was ready I had no idea where her story was going and what it had anything to do with
Watching Salinger yesterday was kinda boring. His poems seemed pointless and i kept zoning out while listening to them, they had no meaning. THey were writen well but i just couldnt relate to a 40 something year old man that seemingly has no similair experiances to mine. I liked Mary Fons' performance a lot more because she seemed real and seemed to truly mean what she was saying.
Monday- The photograph opted out so that stunk. However, the subs were actually really good. My favorite was Mr. Brewner. I've never had Mr. Brewner as a teacher, but he seems like he thinks a lot and that he has a lot of interesting thoughts. We didn't get to hear from Mr Anderson too much, but I liked how he read his poems slowly.
I thought Billy Lombardo's stories were good. He was my favorite so far, I might look into reading his books for the independent reading project. His accent was cool.
Billy Lombardo was my favorite speaker so far, I really liked his story called The White Rose of Chicago. I read The Logic of a Rose over the summer and hope to read his next book.
I thought that Billy Lombardo's stories were good, I liked the way he spoke his stories too. He was my favorite writers week person so far, i might actualy want to read some of his books because his topics were interesting.
If you missed 8th hour today, you missed out. It was an overall good selection of student writers ending with an amazing poem/story by Soeren Palumbo. He addressed an important topic of discrimination against mentally challenged students. It was very moving and I think it affected everyone in the audience.
If you missed 8th hour today, you missed out. It was an overall good selection of student writers ending with an amazing poem/story by Soeren Palumbo. He addressed an important topic of discrimination against mentally challenged students. It was very moving and I think it affected everyone in the audience.
Today 8th hour the students were the speakers. I thought all of them did a great job and had really interesting things to say. My favorite was Soeren Palumbo because his story was so true as to how people really are.
I saw Billy Lombardo today, and I thought he was great. He definetly my favorite so far. I enjoyed his story very much, and I thought he was a great speaker. I might even consider reading his books. I thought his presentation was the best I've seen yet.
Today our class saw some student performers. I liked Steven Whitfield's poem on the unsung heros of life and seeing if your life meant anything, that to me was an excellent piece of poetry. My favorite performer and probley my favorite poem is the piece Soeren on the word retard. that poem just touched me because i also have a sibling who is mentally handicaped and that poem was like looking into me. so that poem just became my favorite poem because of the messege conveyed.
Today I saw Billy Lombardo during 4th and 5th. Overall he was probably the best performer I have seen this writer's week. I enjoyed his one story, Descending Man, it really caught my interest. I may be interested in reading some of his books in the future.
I saw Billy Lombardo today during 4th period. I think he is the best performer that I have seen this week. His stories made me laugh and it caught my interest.
I went to see Billy Lombardo today at Writer's Week. He was funny and very entertaining. However, the best performance I saw today was when I went eighth period. After Soeren Palumbo gave his emo speech last year, I did not know how he could top that. However, he gave the most memorable and moving speech I think I have ever experienced. No offense to all the people invited to Writer's Week such as Billy Lombardo, but I would say that Soeren has to be the best Writer's Week performer I have seen.
I went 8th period and Soeren Palumbo was just great. I tend to use the word retard sometimes, but after that speech about his sister, i will try my absolute best to not use that word. Soeren's performance is by far the best ive seen in my 3 years attending writers week, even beating out all of the professionals. He brought a major problem in our society to our attention, and his performance will serve as a reminder that no one should be hated on just for who they are.
today 4th period i saw Billy Lombardo and i really liked his performence. he seemed real down to earth and comfortable with being on stage. i enjoyed his stories because alot of them were about chicago and real life stuff. i also liked how he was so descriptive, like in his story about the bus.
I saw Billy Lombardo today during 4th period. He made it really fun for me because he is a great public speaker and his stories are really good. I really liked te one about the baseball teams. He has been one of my favorite performers so far.
On Monday I saw Michael Salinger 4th period. His stories were ok but they really didnt grab my attentio like Billy Lombardo did. Also, some of the poems he read were a little hard to understand but thats not his fault thats just the way he writes, which some people like, but it doesnt really appeal to much to me.
I went 8th hour and man did Soren Palumbo steal the show. He is a great speaker and it was amazing how composed he was about the sensitive subject. He deserved the standing ovation every single bit.
I did not here Soren's emo kid speech last year and I am glad I heard it this year. i am Soren's teammate and I did not even know about his sister. i like everyone else have used the word "retard" at sometime in my life but will never use it again because of Soren's speech.
Today my class saw Billy Lombardo and so far he was the best. i like the way that he brings his own flair to his work whether it be a short story or a book.
I saw Billy Lombardo today and so far he's been my favorite. His stories kept my attention and i enjoyed them. He also used my name as his main character in some of them =]
Today, I really ejoyed getting to see the students. I think they all did a great job and I found Soren's speech about his sister very inspirational. I was also excited to see his emo speech because I didn't get to see it last year.
8th hour I saw the best writers week presentation I have seen yet in my 3 years at Fremd. Soren Palumbo's speech was so inspirational and true it was ridiculous. You would be a fool to not wana change your life style after his speech about his sister and how our society is so rude and thoughtless of other people. It was just an amazing presentation.
I went to 8th hour on Wednesday and it was the best Writer's Week period I have been to in high school. I don't think a speaker has ever been so inspirational. Soeren was definately my favorite. The others were good too, however, Soeren was so great. I think I even saw a grown man cry after his piece, it was that good.
I saw students preform on Wednesday during 8th hour. All of the students did a great job, but one particular student stood out from all the rest. Soeren told a life changing story that makes me think dfferently about society. Everything he siad was true about discrimnation. I think it is awesome that he wrote something so great about his younger sister! Not only was Soeren's story amazing, he did a great job of makeing a sad story so funny. He brought comic relief to his performance. Soren did a really good job and kept my attention throughout his entire performance!
today i say Ashley Garland and she ight have been the most intertaining person that i've seen all week she had a good voice but it was drounded out by the other instarments
I really enjoyed seeing The Skandal perform, they have a great stage presence, and I'm sorry I have to work tomorrow, otherwise I would be at the Battle of the Bands to see them in an instant. What was most gratifying about today, however, was getting to see my sister perform during 7th period and one of my close friends during 8th. I think being able to see your friends express something that is important to them is one of the best things a person can experience.
8th period with students on Thursday was good. I really like michelle oates's piece about the army. It actually makes a lot of sense. Also, Victoria did a very nice job. It seemed like she wrote a lot of poetry but she said she barely does.
The students 8th period today were pretty good. I liked how a lot of their poems came from personal experiences and expressed their emotions. Some of their topics were hard to talk about for them, but they did a good job.
i liked watching Ashley Garland perform 4th period today. i liked how they made it sort of more like a concert than a school auditorium. also i liked how she interacted with the audience.
The poetry read during 8th period today was pretty good, but not near as good as yesterday. Emily Blaire had a different type of style for her poems, but the other readers were very similar in their readings.
I really likeed Ashley Garlands performance because it was very entertaining, i also like concerts. It seems like she has a a busy but fun life. She was also really outgoing to everyone.
Im a lil late in commentin but Wednesday...i have to say that 8th hour has been the best that i've ever heard... The poem about the word retard showed me somany things that we all try to avoid...and i got to confess it made me cry...Soeren was so good..CONGRATULATIONS...kep doing good.
Although Soeren Palumbo was a tough act to follow, The student performers at 8th period were pretty good. I thought it was impressive how they could use their own lives as inspiration and turn it into poetry. It was also good that some of them used poetry as an escape when things in their life aren't going so well.
Today during 4th period I saw Ashley Garland! She was amazing. Her performance was actually the best performance I have seen yet! I was not bored at all which was a good thing and it was kind of a nice break away from the whole school atmosphere, I felt like I was at concert!
Today I really enjoyed 8th period because it was students. I find the students a lot more interesting than many of the writers/poets I have seen so far because I knew some of them that presented and I found what they had to say more interesting. ps:I wasn't here yesterday, so I don't know what happened. Kristen Metzger....i dont know how to make a user name....
I saw Ashley Garland today during 4th period. I thought her performance was really good and I liked how she interacted with the audience. Best performance so far for writers week!
i love coming to writer's week and noticing the changing dynamics of the audience. each period is different, each audience has their own energy to bring to the atmosphere. my favorite performances so far have been with students.
how amazing is it and how fortunate are we go be given this amazing opportunity to get in front of an auditorium full of our peers and for 5-10 minutes, say whatever we want? how amazing is it to have something burning in your heart and then get that message out there?
you can change the world that way... with your voice.
I saw Ashley Garland today and it was better than listening to a speaker the whole time. So it was a nice change from the usual Writer's Week performers.
I saw Ashley Garland for Writer's week today. It was entertaining getting to experience more than just people reading poems. She had a nice voice and great writing skills.
Today 8th hour I saw students speak and they all did a great job. I felt like there were some different styles of poetry from what I normally hear so I thought it was pretty cool.
Today March 1st, our 8th hour class saw somestudent performers. the speakers today were ok except for Amy Pfister. she essay on domestic violence was eye-opening. also, to go on stage to talk about your personal connection with that was so couragous. so that is what i liked today at writter's weekXIII
I saw Ashley Garland today during 4th period. She did a really good job with her performance. I loved how it was more like a concert than Writer's Week. It definitely made my day a little bit happier just taking a break out of studying. She has a really nice voice and her songs are pretty good too. She knows how to keep the audience's attention and that's what I liked most about it. That was my most favorite performer yet.
I saw Ashley Garland today during 4th period. I really liked her voice and her songs. I had really crappy day today, so it really made my day. I think the performance itself was really a new thing. From my experience, I've never had a speaker to have something like a concert. So, I thought that it was interesting. She was my most favorite perfomer this Writer's Week.
Today I saw Ashley Garland during 4th period. I thought it was really good. I really like how it was more of a concert and not just someone talking for 50 minutes
Today at Writers Week, I saw students during 8th hour. I really liked all of their stories, but the thing that I liked the most was how they had the courage to read their work infront of the entire school.
I think it is very good that students have the courage to talk about your personal life in front of all your friends and people that u don't even know. The story about domestic violence was very informative.
Ashley Garland was very entertaining, it was better than just hearing poems the whole time. It kept your attention, I don't think anyone was sleeping during her performance.
today 4th period i saw mrs. gerber mrs quant and mr baima. they all did a really good job, it was fun to hear about their pasts and how they were when they were younger.
During 4th period today I saw Mrs. Gerber, Mrs. Quant, and Mr. Baima. I enjoyed this a lot because their stories were really funny and they really kept our attention. I thought this was one of the better days but I still don't think it was as good as yesterday's Ashley Garland. But, they did do a good job and it was a lot of fun.
did anybody else think soeren palumbo was a total hypocrite? i mean he was right about people who say retard and make fun of handicapped people, but then he went off on a total rant about emos! why is it wrong to make fun of one group but not another? just asking. boz.
A supersized thank you to everyone! I was humbly honored to be part of Writer's Week. What I noticed from the first time I attended (could it be?) 10 years ago, was the dramatic increase in the number of student writers reading their own work. Wow. Very impressive. Very. And then the way the teachers join the students as writing peers is beyond incredible.
In case you would like to read other thoughts posted on my blog about the experience, here's a link:http://saraholbrook.blogspot.com/
Thanks again Mr. Anderson, Mr. Romano, Mr. Sampson, to the cookie bakers, the word shakers and the word takers. Thanks to the entire school for all you do to build a truely nurturing writing and learning community.
Marc Smith was one of the best writers from Writer's Week this year. His poems were a little inappropriate, but extremely funny. It was a good way to end the week.
I just want to say that Tom Banasiak during 6th hour on thursday was amazing. I was astounded by his confidence when he did that backwards story on stage. Great job Tom!
And to the person who asked: being mentally handicapped is not a choice, being "emo" is a choice. Being perpetually ostracized from society because of your birth is not a choice, choosing to wallow in depression (or feign such wallowing) and to disregard the beauty of life is a choice. If you cannot find the differences therein, then please find me and talk to me, I would be more than happy to explain them further. Furthermore, this only exemplifies the fact that discrimination against those who can defend themselves (as you are doing) will not perpeuate. I only wish that the mentally handicapped had such a blog to cry out against the ridicule and hate that they experience on a daily basis. If such feelings make me hypocritical, then so be it. I apologize to everyone for being "hypocritical."
By the way, thank you to everyone who supported me on wednesday, and especially to everyone who thought (even just a little bit) about changing their habits. Thanks!
Today I saw Mrs. Gerber, Ms. Quant, and Mr. Baima during 4th period. I thought that all of the teacher's story was interesting to hear, and it really sounded like if I was there with them. This writer's week was really fun.
Marc Smith was a great performer. I liked how he tryed to involve his audience and that definitely made it more fun than just sitting there and listening. I also enjoyed his enthusiam and how he was the only writers week speaker that ive seen that actually went into the audience.
I thought that Marc Smith was very good. He was definatly one of the best performers all week. His poem while climbing the railing was probably his best. I can see how he started poetry slams.
On friday our class saw Marc smith. wow! what a great performer! his poems were entertaining while still moving. He definity was the best way to end writer's week.
8th hour on Friday was really good. Marc Smith is a great speaker and had really interesting poems. I think he was a good ending performance for Writers Week.
I thought that Marc Smith did a really good job on friday during 8th period. He was really interesting and I liked how he incorporated the audience into his poems.
8th hour on Friday with Marc Smith was crazy. That man was entertaining and funny. But i dont really get how he started slam poetry. There had to be someone perform poetry on stage prior to him.
I really enjoyed writers week this year. the students were awesome and their poems were great. my favorite poet was marc smith because he really got into what he was saying and moved around and spoke freely.
I saw some teachers 4th period friday and they were all good. I thought it was going to be boring but all the stories were funny and it kept me entertained. I also was lucky enough to see Marc Smith 7th and he was also very entertaining.
I thought the faculty would be boring but the actually had really good stories. I liked how Emily Quant shared her stories from high school, that was kind of interesting.
I really enjoyed Marc Smith on friday. He had lots of energy for and older man. Like when he jumped on the railing and walked up it. That was kinda crazy. Overall he was my favorite performer.
Friday 8th period, the last hour of Writer's Week, was by far the best to me. Marc Smith was very entertaining and extremely funny. Other writers did great jobs as well, but he really stood out to me.
This year at writers week was amazing, It was by far the best one yet, Mo and Beth were some of the best student writers, and Mark Smith blew all the other writers out of the water. His reading style was great, i liked the way he incorperated the audience with his poems. It was amazing when he jumped up on the wood railing and walked towards the top of the auditorium. Great Writers Week!!
Marc Smith was my favorite performer overall. He was very funny and he kept my attention the whole time. I really liked how he got the audience involved too.
To: FREMD Students, Re: Writers Week From: Gary Marlon Suson, Official Photographer at Ground Zero
My sincere apologies to all Fremd students that due to technicalities and misunderstandings I was unable to attend the Writer's Week to speak to you about the events of September 11 and present images from the Ground Zero Recovery. If any of you read this and wish to email me an address, I am happy to send your school several signed Museum posters of my work as a gift. I appreciate the fact that you all have a desire to learn about this sensitive subject. Such a desire helps keep the memory of the victims alive and means a lot to all those that were directly involved in the tragedy. I wish you all the best & I am sorry I didn't get to meet all of you. You may email me at: GroundZeroMuseum@aol.com.
Warmest Regards.
GARY MARLON SUSON, new york city www.groundzeromuseum.com
Yesterday 7th period i saw Scott Woldman's play, Speed Dating The Musical. It was really funny and a good break from the sometimes boring other speakers.
Yesterday during 4th period i saw Laura Van Prooyen. I thought her presentation was pretty boring and she didnt seem to have a main topic she was talking about. Also her poetry didn't make sense. I did not enjoy it.
LeAlan Jones was a great speaker and said what went to his mind. His life taught us something of how he had struggle to surpass gangs and drugs and had become someone great.
I saw Michael Salinger today 4th period, and his poetry was much different than I have ever heard. He talked about fishing a lot and his life. He had an interesting performance.
I thought Michael Salinger was very interesting. He was outgoing and kept my attention. I liked how he related his poems to his life, and shared his stories. I also thought it was cool how he travels around the world to read his poems and teach kids.
I thought Michael Salinger's poetry was very interesting. In my opinion, my favorite poem that he read was called 911. I also thought it was cool how he is an author, poet, and a teacher who travels all around the world.
Although the scheduled photographer couldn't make it 8th hour, the readings and poems were still interesting. Mr. Brewner's story about hitchhiking was comical and entertaining. I enjoyed Mr. Anderson's poems because they were short yet powerful.
I saw Michael Salinger today and he didnt do a bad job. Although some of his poems were a little complicated, overall i liked his approach to poetry.
I saw Micheal Salinger and his particular kinds of poems did not interest me. However he looks like he really enjoys what he does, and he has alot of heart.
The three readers were overall pretty good. I thought Mr. Brewner's stories about hitchhiking and picking up hitchhikers were very funny. It turned out to be a good period even though the photographer couldn't make it.
Today I was really looking forward to seeing Gary Marlon Suson but even though he couldn't make it I thought the three speakers 8th hour were very good. I thought all of the stories they told were very interesting.
Today I saw Michael Salanger. He was a good speaker. But personally I don't like his writing because I am a person who likes deep tones.
-Eugena Choi
Today I saw a former Fremd Student Eliza...She was pretty good but I have to say she has to put more exciment into the story...other than that she did pretty good...I LOVED MR BRUNER>>>he was good...I liked the first poem he read
Today, I saw Michael Salinger. I thought that it was interesting that he got our attention by reading one of his poems at first.
But overall, I didn't like his poems that much because some of his poems were complicated and difficult to understand.
during 6th hour i saw Terry Coli, the writter for One Tree Hill. He went into great detail on how he got into the place he is now. i was disapointed that he didn't go into more detail on the actual writting of the show and not how they plan the writting. the most disapointing thing was that the 9/11 photographer couldn't make it because i like a lot of his previous work. Overall, Writters Week has been good so far.
I saw the three writers during 8th period today. It turned out to be a solid period even though the scheduled photographer failed to show up. I was kind of dissapointed but i think Mr. Brewner's life lessons about hitchhiking made up for it. He did a great job bringing humor into his stories
I saw Michael Salinger 4th period today. I thought that he was an excellent speaker. However, some of his poems had too many big words to fully enjoy them. I was also disappointed when he introduced a poem saying it was about his picking his friends mind when it was actually just about the scenery of Indiana. Overall, it was a decent performance.
Today during 5th period I saw Terry Coli, who happens to be the writer for One Tree Hill. He had a great presentation and I enjoyed his life story on how he turned out to be where he is today. I thought the way he incorporated some visuals into his presentation made it more interesting. Overall, I enjoyed his performance.
I saw Michael Salinger today 4th period and i thought he did a good job for the most part. though i couldnt really relate to the fish poems, i thought it was a real great idea what he did by putting words like hate and violence in the context of warning lables.
During 6th hour I saw Terry Coli and I liked it a lot. I really liked how he went into detail about all he did for the show and the visuals he brought in. I also enjoyed the three speakers during 8th even though I was looking foreward to seeing Gary Marlon Suson.
I liked writers week a lot today. The guy was really cool, he sets style and grace to a whole new level in his sweet poems. That guy was the man I want to be just like him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, I saw Michael Sallinger today, and it was pretty good. His performance was entertaining because he really got into what he said and used a lot of facial and hand expressions. I liked his poem about fishing. I could relate to it because I like to go fishing in the summer.
Well, I saw Michael Sallinger today, and it was pretty good. His performance was entertaining because he really got into what he said and used a lot of facial and hand expressions. I liked his poem about fishing. I could relate to it because I like to go fishing in the summer.
Well, I saw Michael Sallinger today, and it was pretty good. His performance was entertaining because he really got into what he said and used a lot of facial and hand expressions. I liked his poem about fishing. I could relate to it because I like to go fishing in the summer.
Michael Sallinger was a stud...i wasn't into his style of poetry or performance...so i guess i dont know why hes a stud. Wait, his hair was sweet!
Today during 6th period I saw the screen writer for One Tree Hill. He was my favorite so far because he was younger and talked about something that I can relate to. Even though I have never seen One Tree Hill, from the clips that I saw, I may check it out. Also, I enjoyed hearing about what it is like in Hollywood and how everyone must work their way up the ladder.
-Kristen Metzger
I liked the way Michael Salinger approached his poetry. He read it very enthusiasticly and I loved the details he used. It was very creative and unique that he talked only about short moments in time. It was also pretty cool how far he has taveled just for his poetry. My favortie thing has to be the fishing poems though.
Today I saw Michael Salinger and lets say that he had a different way to create and interpret his work which turned out to pretty good even though some people didn't like him i thought that he was pretty entertaining.
Today I went to Writers Week 8th period, I really liked the three speakers. My favorite of the three was Mr. Brewner and all his stories about hitchhiking.
I read friday sixthe period, and it was great. I'd have to say the most inspirational thing a person could do is get up on stage and read their work. May people are too afread to do that, but the result is totally awesome. Cheer on you peers, Fremd!
I was a little dissapointed when the photographer couldnt make it but listening t the teachers speak was just as good for me!
I saw the three writers during 8th period yesterday. It turned out to be a good period even though the scheduled photographer failed to show up. I was kind of dissapointed because I am interested in 911. The poems were great.
Writers week second period monay had a really good poet who was really funny and kept me interested and i liked how he was a teacher and why he taught
I was really looking forward to seeing the photographer from ground zero but unfortunitly he coildn't get here in time. When that lady was ready I had no idea where her story was going and what it had anything to do with
Hey, I think all the writers of WWXIII were amazing. I learned a lot from the writers and I like writing so it was very interesting for me.
From a FHS student
Watching Salinger yesterday was kinda boring. His poems seemed pointless and i kept zoning out while listening to them, they had no meaning. THey were writen well but i just couldnt relate to a 40 something year old man that seemingly has no similair experiances to mine. I liked Mary Fons' performance a lot more because she seemed real and seemed to truly mean what she was saying.
Monday- The photograph opted out so that stunk. However, the subs were actually really good. My favorite was Mr. Brewner. I've never had Mr. Brewner as a teacher, but he seems like he thinks a lot and that he has a lot of interesting thoughts. We didn't get to hear from Mr Anderson too much, but I liked how he read his poems slowly.
I saw the subs for the 9/11 photographer. I liked Mr. Brewner's on hitch hiking because I found what he was thinking while doing it to be interestindg
I saw Billy Lombardo today and he was good. I read his book in the summer for summer reading and I enjoyed it. He is a good writer and speaker.
I thought Billy Lombardo's stories were good. He was my favorite so far, I might look into reading his books for the independent reading project. His accent was cool.
Billy Lombardo was my favorite speaker so far, I really liked his story called The White Rose of Chicago. I read The Logic of a Rose over the summer and hope to read his next book.
I thought that Billy Lombardo's stories were good, I liked the way he spoke his stories too. He was my favorite writers week person so far, i might actualy want to read some of his books because his topics were interesting.
If you missed 8th hour today, you missed out. It was an overall good selection of student writers ending with an amazing poem/story by Soeren Palumbo. He addressed an important topic of discrimination against mentally challenged students. It was very moving and I think it affected everyone in the audience.
If you missed 8th hour today, you missed out. It was an overall good selection of student writers ending with an amazing poem/story by Soeren Palumbo. He addressed an important topic of discrimination against mentally challenged students. It was very moving and I think it affected everyone in the audience.
Today 8th hour the students were the speakers. I thought all of them did a great job and had really interesting things to say. My favorite was Soeren Palumbo because his story was so true as to how people really are.
I saw Billy Lombardo today, and I thought he was great. He definetly my favorite so far. I enjoyed his story very much, and I thought he was a great speaker. I might even consider reading his books. I thought his presentation was the best I've seen yet.
Today our class saw some student performers. I liked Steven Whitfield's poem on the unsung heros of life and seeing if your life meant anything, that to me was an excellent piece of poetry. My favorite performer and probley my favorite poem is the piece Soeren on the word retard. that poem just touched me because i also have a sibling who is mentally handicaped and that poem was like looking into me. so that poem just became my favorite poem because of the messege conveyed.
Today I saw Billy Lombardo during 4th and 5th. Overall he was probably the best performer I have seen this writer's week. I enjoyed his one story, Descending Man, it really caught my interest. I may be interested in reading some of his books in the future.
Billy Lombardo has been the best so far. I haven't been to impressed with writers week until today and Billy Lombardo's performance.
I saw Billy Lombardo today during 4th period.
I think he is the best performer that I have seen this week.
His stories made me laugh and it caught my interest.
I went to see Billy Lombardo today at Writer's Week. He was funny and very entertaining. However, the best performance I saw today was when I went eighth period. After Soeren Palumbo gave his emo speech last year, I did not know how he could top that. However, he gave the most memorable and moving speech I think I have ever experienced. No offense to all the people invited to Writer's Week such as Billy Lombardo, but I would say that Soeren has to be the best Writer's Week performer I have seen.
I went 8th period and Soeren Palumbo was just great. I tend to use the word retard sometimes, but after that speech about his sister, i will try my absolute best to not use that word. Soeren's performance is by far the best ive seen in my 3 years attending writers week, even beating out all of the professionals. He brought a major problem in our society to our attention, and his performance will serve as a reminder that no one should be hated on just for who they are.
today 4th period i saw Billy Lombardo and i really liked his performence. he seemed real down to earth and comfortable with being on stage. i enjoyed his stories because alot of them were about chicago and real life stuff. i also liked how he was so descriptive, like in his story about the bus.
I saw Billy Lombardo today during 4th period. He made it really fun for me because he is a great public speaker and his stories are really good. I really liked te one about the baseball teams. He has been one of my favorite performers so far.
On Monday I saw Michael Salinger 4th period. His stories were ok but they really didnt grab my attentio like Billy Lombardo did. Also, some of the poems he read were a little hard to understand but thats not his fault thats just the way he writes, which some people like, but it doesnt really appeal to much to me.
I went 8th hour and man did Soren Palumbo steal the show. He is a great speaker and it was amazing how composed he was about the sensitive subject. He deserved the standing ovation every single bit.
I did not here Soren's emo kid speech last year and I am glad I heard it this year. i am Soren's teammate and I did not even know about his sister. i like everyone else have used the word "retard" at sometime in my life but will never use it again because of Soren's speech.
Today my class saw Billy Lombardo and so far he was the best. i like the way that he brings his own flair to his work whether it be a short story or a book.
I saw Billy Lombardo today and so far he's been my favorite. His stories kept my attention and i enjoyed them. He also used my name as his main character in some of them =]
Today, I really ejoyed getting to see the students. I think they all did a great job and I found Soren's speech about his sister very inspirational. I was also excited to see his emo speech because I didn't get to see it last year.
8th hour I saw the best writers week presentation I have seen yet in my 3 years at Fremd. Soren Palumbo's speech was so inspirational and true it was ridiculous. You would be a fool to not wana change your life style after his speech about his sister and how our society is so rude and thoughtless of other people. It was just an amazing presentation.
I went to 8th hour on Wednesday and it was the best Writer's Week period I have been to in high school. I don't think a speaker has ever been so inspirational. Soeren was definately my favorite. The others were good too, however, Soeren was so great. I think I even saw a grown man cry after his piece, it was that good.
WOW!!! 8th period was awsome. Soren was very moving in his peice and then broke the silence with some comic relief about emo kids. 2 thumbs up
I saw students preform on Wednesday during 8th hour. All of the students did a great job, but one particular student stood out from all the rest. Soeren told a life changing story that makes me think dfferently about society. Everything he siad was true about discrimnation. I think it is awesome that he wrote something so great about his younger sister! Not only was Soeren's story amazing, he did a great job of makeing a sad story so funny. He brought comic relief to his performance. Soren did a really good job and kept my attention throughout his entire performance!
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8th peroid yesterday was really impressive with all the students was really good. Soeran really stole the show!
-MElissa Castles
When Ahsley Garland pointed at me during her song and after she gave me her autograph and put XOXO next to her name!
ill never forget it
I went to 8th period Writers Week on Wednesday, it was amazing. I really liked all the speakers, but I have to say Soeren was my favorite.
Ashley Garland was cool. It was also nice to hear music instead of poems for a change. Brian was hot!!!
writers week 8th period on Wednesday was cool. Soeren had a great story.
I saw Ashley Garland today, she was pretty good. She knew how to keep eveyone's attention. There was not a dull moment during her performance.
today i say Ashley Garland and she ight have been the most intertaining person that i've seen all week she had a good voice but it was drounded out by the other instarments
I really enjoyed seeing The Skandal perform, they have a great stage presence, and I'm sorry I have to work tomorrow, otherwise I would be at the Battle of the Bands to see them in an instant. What was most gratifying about today, however, was getting to see my sister perform during 7th period and one of my close friends during 8th. I think being able to see your friends express something that is important to them is one of the best things a person can experience.
8th period with students on Thursday was good. I really like michelle oates's piece about the army. It actually makes a lot of sense. Also, Victoria did a very nice job. It seemed like she wrote a lot of poetry but she said she barely does.
8th period Wednesday was the best.
I seriously had tears in my eyes after Soeren's. It was AMAZING. He's such a good speaker. I loved ittttt.
The students 8th period today were pretty good. I liked how a lot of their poems came from personal experiences and expressed their emotions. Some of their topics were hard to talk about for them, but they did a good job.
today- March 1st during 8th period i was bored. i didnt really relate to any of the poetry.
i liked watching Ashley Garland perform 4th period today. i liked how they made it sort of more like a concert than a school auditorium. also i liked how she interacted with the audience.
The poetry read during 8th period today was pretty good, but not near as good as yesterday. Emily Blaire had a different type of style for her poems, but the other readers were very similar in their readings.
I really likeed Ashley Garlands performance because it was very entertaining, i also like concerts. It seems like she has a a busy but fun life. She was also really outgoing to everyone.
Im a lil late in commentin but Wednesday...i have to say that 8th hour has been the best that i've ever heard... The poem about the word retard showed me somany things that we all try to avoid...and i got to confess it made me cry...Soeren was so good..CONGRATULATIONS...kep doing good.
Although Soeren Palumbo was a tough act to follow, The student performers at 8th period were pretty good. I thought it was impressive how they could use their own lives as inspiration and turn it into poetry. It was also good that some of them used poetry as an escape when things in their life aren't going so well.
Today during 4th period I saw Ashley Garland! She was amazing. Her performance was actually the best performance I have seen yet! I was not bored at all which was a good thing and it was kind of a nice break away from the whole school atmosphere, I felt like I was at concert!
Today I really enjoyed 8th period because it was students. I find the students a lot more interesting than many of the writers/poets I have seen so far because I knew some of them that presented and I found what they had to say more interesting.
ps:I wasn't here yesterday, so I don't know what happened.
Kristen Metzger....i dont know how to make a user name....
I saw Ashley Garland today during 4th period. I thought her performance was really good and I liked how she interacted with the audience. Best performance so far for writers week!
i love coming to writer's week and noticing the changing dynamics of the audience. each period is different, each audience has their own energy to bring to the atmosphere.
my favorite performances so far have been with students.
how amazing is it and how fortunate are we go be given this amazing opportunity to get in front of an auditorium full of our peers and for 5-10 minutes, say whatever we want? how amazing is it to have something burning in your heart and then get that message out there?
you can change the world that way... with your voice.
I saw Ashley Garland today and it was better than listening to a speaker the whole time. So it was a nice change from the usual Writer's Week performers.
I saw Ashley Garland for Writer's week today. It was entertaining getting to experience more than just people reading poems. She had a nice voice and great writing skills.
Today 8th hour I saw students speak and they all did a great job. I felt like there were some different styles of poetry from what I normally hear so I thought it was pretty cool.
Today March 1st, our 8th hour class saw somestudent performers. the speakers today were ok except for Amy Pfister. she essay on domestic violence was eye-opening. also, to go on stage to talk about your personal connection with that was so couragous. so that is what i liked today at writter's weekXIII
I saw Ashley Garland today during 4th period. She did a really good job with her performance. I loved how it was more like a concert than Writer's Week. It definitely made my day a little bit happier just taking a break out of studying. She has a really nice voice and her songs are pretty good too. She knows how to keep the audience's attention and that's what I liked most about it. That was my most favorite performer yet.
I saw Ashley Garland today during 4th period. I really liked her voice and her songs.
I had really crappy day today, so it really made my day.
I think the performance itself was really a new thing.
From my experience, I've never had a speaker to have something like a concert. So, I thought that it was interesting.
She was my most favorite perfomer this Writer's Week.
Today I saw Ashley Garland during 4th period. I thought it was really good. I really like how it was more of a concert and not just someone talking for 50 minutes
Today at Writers Week, I saw students during 8th hour. I really liked all of their stories, but the thing that I liked the most was how they had the courage to read their work infront of the entire school.
I think it is very good that students have the courage to talk about your personal life in front of all your friends and people that u don't even know. The story about domestic violence was very informative.
Ashley Garland was very entertaining, it was better than just hearing poems the whole time. It kept your attention, I don't think anyone was sleeping during her performance.
The students were good yesterday. Michelle was good. Her poem was dynomite.
today 4th period i saw mrs. gerber mrs quant and mr baima. they all did a really good job, it was fun to hear about their pasts and how they were when they were younger.
During 4th period today I saw Mrs. Gerber, Mrs. Quant, and Mr. Baima. I enjoyed this a lot because their stories were really funny and they really kept our attention. I thought this was one of the better days but I still don't think it was as good as yesterday's Ashley Garland. But, they did do a good job and it was a lot of fun.
did anybody else think soeren palumbo was a total hypocrite? i mean he was right about people who say retard and make fun of handicapped people, but then he went off on a total rant about emos! why is it wrong to make fun of one group but not another? just asking. boz.
Today I saw Mrs. Gerber, Ms. Quant, and Mr. Baima during writers week. I thought they did a really good job and were very entertaining.
Hey Fremd!
A supersized thank you to everyone! I was humbly honored to be part of Writer's Week. What I noticed from the first time I attended (could it be?) 10 years ago, was the dramatic increase in the number of student writers reading their own work. Wow. Very impressive. Very. And then the way the teachers join the students as writing peers is beyond incredible.
In case you would like to read other thoughts posted on my blog about the experience, here's a link:http://saraholbrook.blogspot.com/
Thanks again Mr. Anderson, Mr. Romano, Mr. Sampson, to the cookie bakers, the word shakers and the word takers. Thanks to the entire school for all you do to build a truely nurturing writing and learning community.
Marc Smith was one of the best writers from Writer's Week this year. His poems were a little inappropriate, but extremely funny. It was a good way to end the week.
I just want to say that Tom Banasiak during 6th hour on thursday was amazing. I was astounded by his confidence when he did that backwards story on stage. Great job Tom!
And to the person who asked: being mentally handicapped is not a choice, being "emo" is a choice. Being perpetually ostracized from society because of your birth is not a choice, choosing to wallow in depression (or feign such wallowing) and to disregard the beauty of life is a choice. If you cannot find the differences therein, then please find me and talk to me, I would be more than happy to explain them further. Furthermore, this only exemplifies the fact that discrimination against those who can defend themselves (as you are doing) will not perpeuate. I only wish that the mentally handicapped had such a blog to cry out against the ridicule and hate that they experience on a daily basis. If such feelings make me hypocritical, then so be it. I apologize to everyone for being "hypocritical."
By the way, thank you to everyone who supported me on wednesday, and especially to everyone who thought (even just a little bit) about changing their habits. Thanks!
Marc Smith was a great performer. All of his poems were interesting to listen to. My favorite was the "he said, She said" poem.
Today I saw Mrs. Gerber, Ms. Quant, and Mr. Baima during 4th period.
I thought that all of the teacher's story was interesting to hear, and it really sounded like if I was there with them.
This writer's week was really fun.
Marc Smith was a great performer. I liked how he tryed to involve his audience and that definitely made it more fun than just sitting there and listening. I also enjoyed his enthusiam and how he was the only writers week speaker that ive seen that actually went into the audience.
I really liked Marc Smith's performance. I thought all his poems were interesting and liked how he involved the audience in a lot of his poems.
I thought that Marc Smith was very good. He was definatly one of the best performers all week. His poem while climbing the railing was probably his best. I can see how he started poetry slams.
On friday our class saw Marc smith. wow! what a great performer! his poems were entertaining while still moving. He definity was the best way to end writer's week.
I saw Ms. Quant, Mr. Baima and Mrs. Gerber on Friday. I loved Ms. Quant she was great. She brings great energy to the stage.
8th hour on Friday was really good. Marc Smith is a great speaker and had really interesting poems. I think he was a good ending performance for Writers Week.
I thought that Marc Smith did a really good job on friday during 8th period. He was really interesting and I liked how he incorporated the audience into his poems.
8th hour on Friday with Marc Smith was crazy. That man was entertaining and funny. But i dont really get how he started slam poetry. There had to be someone perform poetry on stage prior to him.
I really enjoyed writers week this year. the students were awesome and their poems were great. my favorite poet was marc smith because he really got into what he was saying and moved around and spoke freely.
I saw some teachers 4th period friday and they were all good. I thought it was going to be boring but all the stories were funny and it kept me entertained. I also was lucky enough to see Marc Smith 7th and he was also very entertaining.
I thought the faculty would be boring but the actually had really good stories. I liked how Emily Quant shared her stories from high school, that was kind of interesting.
I really enjoyed Marc Smith on friday. He had lots of energy for and older man. Like when he jumped on the railing and walked up it. That was kinda crazy. Overall he was my favorite performer.
Marc Smith = Beast
MY Favorite Person that performed at writers week was Marc Smith,he was great... Oh and Mo and Beth were awesome too!t
Friday 8th period, the last hour of Writer's Week, was by far the best to me. Marc Smith was very entertaining and extremely funny. Other writers did great jobs as well, but he really stood out to me.
This year at writers week was amazing, It was by far the best one yet, Mo and Beth were some of the best student writers, and Mark Smith blew all the other writers out of the water. His reading style was great, i liked the way he incorperated the audience with his poems. It was amazing when he jumped up on the wood railing and walked towards the top of the auditorium. Great Writers Week!!
Marc Smith was my favorite performer overall. He was very funny and he kept my attention the whole time. I really liked how he got the audience involved too.
Marc Smith was amazing, he was one fo the best I have ever seen. Patricia Smith was also really good. Mo's poems were great. Best Writers Week yet!!
To: FREMD Students, Re: Writers Week
From: Gary Marlon Suson, Official Photographer at Ground Zero
My sincere apologies to all Fremd students that due to technicalities and misunderstandings I was unable to attend the Writer's Week to speak to you about the events of September 11 and present images from the Ground Zero Recovery. If any of you read this and wish to email me an address, I am happy to send your school several signed Museum posters of my work as a gift. I appreciate the fact that you all have a desire to learn about this sensitive subject. Such a desire helps keep the memory of the victims alive and means a lot to all those that were directly involved in the tragedy. I wish you all the best & I am sorry I didn't get to meet all of you. You may email me at: GroundZeroMuseum@aol.com.
Warmest Regards.
GARY MARLON SUSON, new york city
the play that was preformed today was so funny during 7th period it made me and alot of other people laugh
anonymous was carissa grosshauser sorry!!
Yesterday 7th period i saw Scott Woldman's play, Speed Dating The Musical. It was really funny and a good break from the sometimes boring other speakers.
Joe Jordahl
Yesterday during 4th period i saw Laura Van Prooyen. I thought her presentation was pretty boring and she didnt seem to have a main topic she was talking about. Also her poetry didn't make sense. I did not enjoy it.
Joe Jordahl
LeAlan Jones was a great speaker and said what went to his mind. His life taught us something of how he had struggle to surpass gangs and drugs and had become someone great.
Your phrase is matchless... :)
I want not approve on it. I assume polite post. Expressly the appellation attracted me to study the sound story.
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