Wednesday, April 18, 2007

A Note from Ashley Garland!

Fremd Students!

I wanted to thank you for writing such amazing letters. I was really touched by the observations and insight you had for my performance. Your letters blew me away because you got every point that I was trying to express! You are all so intelligent and your letters showed how much passion you have for your dreams and future aspirations. You all touched me in more ways than one. You inspired me to keep going in the pursuit of my dreams and gave me a renewed sense of purpose. I hope that you all put fear aside and go bravely in the direction of your dreams. Obstacles and road blocks are only stepping stones. Don't get discouraged! Thank you for your support and I hope that we can all meet again soon! A lot of you said you wanted to purchase a cd. My music is now available on iTunes so you can have access to any song you'd like to have. I'd love to keep in touch so feel free to write me at my website.

Thank you and I look forward to seeing you again in the future!

Ashley Garland


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